Jeff Bishop: Imparting the trading knowledge with
20 Most Inspiring Business Leaders to Watch in 2022

Today in the markets, there are many opportunities to learn trading and many innovations to trading platforms. These innovations have also made trading more common for many people in their daily lives. Before this, trading was considered by many to be an area for the elites of Wall Street. With the greater availability of trading platforms like RobinHood, self-directed trading and investing platforms have brought the possibility of trading to many people. The growth of the markets and surge of interest of crypto over the last few years has made more people become interested in self-directed trading. However, this convenience has also highlighted the greater need for effective trading education and to help people better understand the risks as well as the potential rewards of trading and investing.
In recent years, the number of individual, self-directed traders has expanded. The pandemic initially brought a constricting influence on the markets, but in 2021 we witnessed the explosive recovery of markets and the economy. However Jeff Bishop, Co-Founder of, asserts, “I am cautious of the economy now as many signs are pointing to a correction coming. All the signs are there. As traders, we look for these and other signs and can look to target different types of trades depending on whether the markets are going up or down. There can generally be trades to make or trading patterns to learn from regardless of what is happening in the overall economy or markets as a whole.”
Self-Taught Genius Trader
Jeff Bishop holds a Master’s Degree in Economics and is a self-taught trader, and he’s now been a trader and trading educator for over 24 years. Originally from Texas, Jeff, his wife, and his children took a year-long road trip and eventually settled in New Hampshire. Apart from being a MENSA member and literally a genius trader, Jeff also enjoys traveling, fishing, cycling, and attends his local church where his family is involved in all community activities.
Over the years, Jeff has helped several people by sharing his extensive trading knowledge. He also shared his trading and economics wisdom with friends who asked him to teach them more about how he trades. This made him realize that quality trading education was not accessible to all. After noticing this gap Jeff, along with Jason Bond, co-founded as a trading education platform in 2014.
Exceptional Trading Education Services’s flagship trading education services, Bullseye Trading and Jason Bond Picks are its two stalwart services. In Bullseye Trading, subscribers gain trading education from Jeff on one of his favorite options trades each week. “I share why I think this is a good trade and provide alerts when I decide to enter or exit the trade,” explains Jeff. Under Bullseye Trading subscribers gain great trading lessons where people can learn from an experienced trader who is trading with real money and providing detailed education about that trade. Jason Bond Picks offers trading students the ability to learn from Jason’s experience in identifying a few simple stock trading patterns and by applying these to find suitable trading examples in the markets.
The team of trading educators at share their real money trades with subscribers and offer trading education based on real trades, not only the theory of trading. The live trading education rooms allows the team of trading educators to offer many of these lessons in real-time. Students can ask questions about these trades and learn from the trader’s trading lessons about how one could apply that trading knowledge to particular trading situations.
Leading by Example
As a business leader, Jeff shares a great relationship with his entire team. He has built a team where every member treats as their own business and thus takes calculated risks to help grow the business. embraces an open work culture where the leadership team is easily accessible to help the team. Jeff likes to join different team meetings regularly to instil his business experience alongside answering questions from team members. He adds, “I think Jason and I have developed a very “flat” type of organization and we enjoy sharing business and trading ideas and lessons with our team at”
Jeff’s leadership style is one of the key contributors to the team’s close working style. He believes in giving people the responsibility and tools to succeed at their job. Jeff tries to lead by example and always consults with the team to discuss their successes and failures and learn from them to constantly improve. He promotes learning and believes that one should profit in both knowledge and financially from any business opportunity. “Learn from your mistakes and do what you’ll say you do,” adds Jeff.
Focus on the Bigger Goal
Being a leader means dealing with numerous challenges on the journey. For Jeff, having strong core beliefs in his marriage, family, faith, and the country has granted him a strong core set of beliefs that helps guide him through challenges. As with any business, the journey for has had its share of challenges. During the pandemic in 2020 and through the early part of 2021, life continued with its normal share of surprises and events. Jeff continues, “Our business went through some important changes during the year. Personally, Jason even welcomed a new baby into his family which was a time of great joy for everyone! I think the saying ‘A calm sea never made a strong sailor’ is really quite apt!” has encountered its share of challenges on the journey but Jeff and Jason have withstood those challenges to continue to build a successful business. Jeff shares that the key has been to focus on the end goal and always to take measured risks. In his journey as a trader, he has witnessed several traders becoming emotionally invested in the outcome of the trade, rather than sticking with their education and principles and focusing on the bigger goal. Being persistent towards the goal rewarded with an incredible 2020 where the company continued its growth (and outstanding 831%!) and also won an Inc 5000 award.
Making the Most of Crisis
2020 allowed to reflect on any business gaps and shortcomings and plan for their next phase of growth. The team invested in improving their educational offerings to help the succeed in their trading. The team also ensured that the customer support and compliance teams were there to serve the growing customer base and prepare for the next phase of growth in 2022. recently launched new trading services including a digital currency – AKA crypto – trading education service.
Jeff balances his time between his professional and personal life. While he directs the changes and upgrades as a business leader, he also enjoys family time and pursues his personal passions of fishing and cycling. Quoting his experience, Jeff states, “It’s funny when looking back, people used to say they wanted to commute less, spend more time with their loved ones and work from home. I think there are many blessings that the pandemic brought as well as the many challenges that many families have faced.”
Improving the Educational Offerings
The pandemic brought along the trend of remote working and it is anticipated to stay for the foreseeable future. With the advancements of technology operating a business remotely is easier and many companies were forced to explore their available options. Jeff anticipates that these advancements will lead to better tools within trading and investing platforms. He also sees the ability to incorporate these different tools into trading along with digital currencies and crypto.
In the coming year, the goals for will continue to be improving trading education offerings to cover different types of trading. For example, it recently launched the first digital currency trading service which has already proven popular with subscribers. “I predict the market is up for a change. Many of the economic indicators point to correction,” asserts Jeff. This will serve as an opportunity for, as it can share with people how to navigate markets no matter what happens. This will help our team to establish as a trusted source of quality trading and investing education.
Key takeaway: “Keeping your eye on the end goal and always taking measured risks. Not getting too tied emotionally to the successes or failures.”
Highlight of the article:
“Never give up, and follow your dreams with drive and focus! My mum used to create her own handicrafts and sell them at local events. She’d often work to try and make ends meet but she had a strong work ethic that she passed onto me. Years back I was working in a car dealership. Much of that time was spent by me learning more about trading. I eventually got fired from that job which helped me focus even more on trading! I built that into trading full-time and sharing my trading knowledge with people. That grew into which allowed me to share my trading knowledge with more people and to contribute back some of my good fortune with others and with worthy causes. Stay focused and work hard for your goals. Always try to give back to others who might need help.”
Read Full Magazine: 20 Most Inspiring Business Leaders to Watch in 2022