Driven Leadership: Creating New Leadership Competencies and Thriving Team Cultures
20 Best Companies to Watch in 2022

For present as well as prospective leaders, managers, or supervisors, leadership training is crucial. These courses provide fresh viewpoints and insights that will aid in your success. Some of these training programs, however, are unimpressive and lack the deliverables necessary to bring about long-lasting change.
Given these circumstances, the Chief Relationship Officer of Driven Leadership, Mary Belden-McGrath, was inspired to make a difference in the training sessions and have participants leave prepared to start the change they desire right away. With more than 20 years of experience working in the area of leadership and development, Mary is a seasoned professional in the sector. Globally, she has coached and developed leaders for Fortune 100 companies as well as smaller businesses. Mary, a high sales performer, business owner, and certified master trainer in leadership skills, is a co-founder of Driven Leadership and applies her knowledge in the workplace. She has also served on the boards of charitable institutions.
Reliable Leadership Development Partner
For SMMEs in North America, Driven Leadership is a reliable partner in their leadership development. Driven Leadership has worked with these businesses for more than ten years to help them create new leadership competencies and thriving team cultures.
As Mary states, Driven Leadership’s journey has been a long challenging yet rewarding ride. The company was incepted in 2010 with a vision, numerous networking, cold calling and grit—with few key contracts in place. The team hit the ground running with a belief and passion for what could be provided as well as a fear of how the company will accomplish its goal. With the belief that “Courage isn’t the absence of fear… it’s the ability to do it afraid,” Driven Leadership achieved its mission and succeeded. The team believed in greatness instead of being held back by fear and adversity.
During its first year in business, Mary ran into severe health challenges and it was a struggle to work for several years. As she started getting healthy, her focus was on restructuring the organization to feature some of the most powerful, processed-based experiential training out there.
‘BOLD’ Flagship Product
Driven Leadership’s flagship product is BOLD: Advanced Leadership has been groundbreaking. Combining personal breakthrough with business application in a hard-hitting process-based 2.5-day whirlwind. People who are genuinely looking to be challenged and grow are seldom disappointed. As a result, it led to several other immersive style training and process-based organizational development programs such as the company’s management academy.
Driven Leadership’s portfolio includes immersive 2.5-day programs – BOLD: Advanced Leadership, Forge: Team Execution, The Advantage: Engaged Communication. Organizational Development Programs 4-8hr programs – Conflict Management using the TKI Conflict Assessment Tool, Communication using DISC and Innermetrix ADVanced Insights, Organizational Engagement, Leadership For Managers. In addition to the aforementioned services, the company also offers a full array of HR Consulting Services.
Result-Oriented Offerings and Programs
In recent years, Driven Leadership has achieved great results from its Leadership For Managers Program. The program is a 12-week online course that brings management development to an extraordinary level. It also covers a wide range of topics, that range from broader skills such as emotional intelligence and enhanced communication to specific topics such as giving/receiving feedback and delegation. Moreover, participants walk away with the ability to problem-solve and respond to the challenges of management at a completely different level.
Robust Key Differentiator
Speaking of the company’s key differentiator, Driven Leadership’s big difference maker is the process-based experiential nature of our programs. People take away so much more because they get to not only learn but feel the material and how to apply it. It is like learning to swim, if all we did was show a PowerPoint on swimming it wouldn’t be that impactful. Instead, the company drops individuals into the deep end and coaches them while they are in the situation. “We don’t let you drown and we do make sure you experience success before you leave the water,” affirms Mary.
Under this program, Driven Leadership starts from the top down in expanding each leader’s ability to perform, make decisions, and build healthy relationships and cultures. The result is more productivity with a happier and more engaged workforce.
Distinguished Company-Client Relationships
Speaking of maintaining an optimum client-company relationship, Driven Leadership stands out with its training process which is different from everyone else. It is the company’s biggest contributor to long-lasting client relationships and it is also often a deterrent to new clients as they have never experienced anything like what Driven Leadership does.
However, being different and having great customer relations is what sets the company apart. In addition to that, other contributing factors are great customer service, caring for the outcomes of the client, believing and living what its teachings, and having training that can be measured to create lasting outcomes.
Focusing on Future Proliferations
Since its inception, Driven Leadership has extensively focused on offering its unique solutions and services to a wide range of customers. Currently, it is being recognized in several publications. In fact, most recently it was awarded HR Tech Outlooks Top 20 Leadership Development Training/Coaching Companies of 2022. Additionally, Driven Leadership’s Virtual Management academy will be coming online towards the end of the year. The company is excited to be a part of the up-and-coming and look forward to the journey ahead.
“We believe that extraordinary people make a positive impact on their business, family and community. We help people reach for the extraordinary.”
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